Deformation analysis and application of the axial compressive pillar considering the concrete creep 考虑徐变时轴压钢筋混凝土柱的变形分析及应用
Early-age stress analysis of concrete diaphragm wall through tensile and compressive creep modeling 考虑拉伸与压缩不同徐变特征的混凝土连续墙早龄内应力分析
Compressive creep tests at high temperature show that both composites exhibit high apparent stress exponents and the creep resistance of the composites is obviously increased with increasing Cu content of the matrix alloy. 高温压缩蠕变试验表明,两种复合材料均表现出高的显态应力指数。随基体合金中Cu含量的增加复合材料的蠕变抗力明显提高。
The properties of the amalgams of spherical powders, such as dimension change during hardening, compressive strength, flow and creep meet the specification No. 球粉汞齐的性能,诸如固化过程中的尺寸变化,压缩强度,流变及蠕变等均达到美国牙医协会技术指标。
The reason why the negative creep occurred during compressive creep was deeply analyzed with the phase transformation and using XRD, TEM and SEM techniques. 应用相变的观点并结合XRD、TEM和SEM分析结果深入分析了负蠕变出现的原因。
In addition, the temperature effect on the compressive strength was studied. The results showed that the slope of strength versus temperature changed abruptly, and led to a significant increase in the creep rate at 44 ℃. 研究了温度对EPS压缩强度的影响,在44℃时压缩强度曲线出现突变,并导致压缩蠕变明显增加。
Compressive creep deformation and creep recovery curve of PBX material are also gained at the same time during the compressive circular disk test. The results show a different creep process compared with pure poly materials. 利用圆盘对径受压实验间接拉伸的特点,测量了PBX材料的拉伸蠕变及蠕变恢复曲线,同时也得到了圆盘部分区域压缩蠕变及蠕变恢复曲线。
A worked example given at the end of this paper shows that the difference between the tensile and compressive creeps of the fly-ash concrete will cause great influence on the thermal creep stress of structures. 文末算例说明,在一般混凝土坝中掺加粉煤灰后,由于混凝土的拉压徐变不相等,对其温度徐变应力有相当的影响。
According to this mechanical model, the properties of compression-relaxation and compressive creep were discussed theoretically. 根据该力学模型,从理论上分析讨论了地毯的压缩松弛性能和压缩蠕变性能。
The Maximum Reinforcement Ratio of the Axial Compressive Pillar Considering the Concrete Creep 考虑混凝土徐变后轴心受压柱的最大配筋率
An investigation of compression-relaxation and compressive creep of carpets 地毯压缩松弛和蠕变性能研究
A preliminary study on compressive creep of scalp 头皮压缩蠕变性的初步研究
It was found that the negative creep resulted from volume expansion caused by the four-phase transformation, alpha+ ε→ T '+ η n, in the alloy, and the values of negative creep depended on the difference between the compressive creep deformation and the volume expansion. 负蠕变现象是由于压蠕变过程中的四相转变(α+ε→T′+η)引起体积膨胀而造成的,负蠕变量为压蠕变量与体积膨胀量之差。
Coarsening features and influence factors were investigated by creep properties measurement and SEM observation for the P-type rafted structure of nickel base single crystal superalloy with [ 001] orientation obtained by compressive creep. 对[001]取向单晶镍基合金进行压应力处理,获P-型筏状结构后,对其进行拉伸蠕变性能测试及SEM形貌观察,研究了P-型筏状结构的粗化特征及影响因素。
A series of triaxial compressive or creep tests was conducted on Fang-Shan dry and saturated sandstones under various constant stresses, confining pressures, pore-water pressures and humidities. 对北京房山干、饱水砂岩在不同恒定应力、围压、空隙水压力和湿度下,进行了一系列三轴压缩或蠕变试验。
Measurement Method of Compressive Creep Property of Rubber 橡胶压缩蠕变性能测试方法
The linear damage rule was applied to predict the life of cc type cycle that contains both tensile creep and compressive creep. 对同时包含拉/压蠕变的循环,采用线性累积损伤法则预测其寿命。
The negative creep during compressive creep and the range of temperature and stress at which negative creep occurred decreased after stabilization heat treatment. 稳定化处理后,合金在压蠕变过程中的负蠕变量及出现负蠕变的温度和应力范围减小。
A new measuring method of the compressive creep property of rubber has been proposed. The compressive creep property of rubber can be measured precisely by using compressive strength measuring device for single-granular diamond and Rockwell hardometer. 研究了橡胶压缩蠕变性能的测试方法,指出用金刚石单颗粒抗压强度计及改进的洛氏硬度计,可以精确地测量橡胶的压缩蠕变性能。
Due to the distinct difference in tensile and compressive properties, the position and deformation curvature of curved neutral layer will change with time for the! strata in a creep state. 由于岩石材料抗拉与抗压性能的明显差异,使岩层受蠕变作用时,其弯曲中性层位置及变形曲率都将随时间变化。
SIM could be used in the detection of compressive creep property of EPS, and gave technological references for design and construction units. 研究表明,SIM可用于分析EPS的压缩蠕变性能,供设计和施工单位参考。
The Compressive Creep Behavior of PBX Based on TATB TATB基高聚物粘结炸药的蠕变特性研究
They are mainly concerned with the tensile and compressive behavior, energy absorption, dynamic impact, failure criterion and constitutive relation, creep, fatigue and fracture of these materials. 这些工作主要讨论了金属泡沫材料的拉伸、压缩、能量吸收、动态冲击、失效准则、本构关系、蠕变、疲劳和断裂等力学性能。
The compressive creep rate in the alloy was mainly controlled by the lattice diffusion of zinc and dislocation limb, and the grain boundary sliding contributed for it in some degree. 稳态蠕变速率主要由锌的点阵扩散和位错的攀移所控制,品界滑移对蠕变也有贡献。
Research on Compressive Creep Behavior of the High Aluminum Zinc Based Alloy 高铝锌合金压蠕变行为研究
In combination with the concrete bridge engineering lab report, this essay analysis on different mix impact on compressive strength, elastic modulus, shrinkage and creep. 同时结合该桥梁工程混凝土实验报告,分析不同配合比对混凝土抗压强度、弹性模量以及收缩徐变的影响。
Normally, the axial compressive forces of corewalls will decrease when considering the concrete shrinkage and creep. 一般情况下,在考虑混凝土的收缩徐变后,筒体的轴压力是减小的。
Uniaxial compressive strength of specimens is tested and the primary load of creep test is determined. 对试件进行单轴抗压强度测试,进而确定蠕变试验的初级荷载。